Friday, January 30, 2009

The Japan Experience

I think the most terrifying thing in the world is stepping outside of my comfort zone. The thought of being vulnerable is something that is often seemingly a fate worse than death. I can say that coming to Japan was equivalent to taking a giant leap outside of my comfort zone. I can also say that I am tremendously grateful that I didn't hold back.

Japan has been one of the greatest eye-opening experiences of my life to date. It is hard for me to grasp everything I see and experience in one day. Sometimes, it seems to be going too fast. Other times, it doesn't go fast enough. Walking through the Japanese neighborhoods in the morning on the way to the Nakamiya Campus has often brought me to thinking of my friends and family back home. I think of those closest to me, and how so many of my friends have experienced the same great things that I am now experiencing. I think of how many of my closest friends grew up living around the area I now call home for four months. I think of you, Tomoya, and how you told me that you remember passing through the East Gate on the way to classes. And you, Megumi, and how you mentioned that I was taking pictures of some of your favorite locations at Kansai Gaikokugo Daigaku. And Fumiya san, I think of you and how you lived in Seminar House 3, my current building of residence, grew so close to my Okaasan and Otousan, rode your motorbike down the same narrow streets that I walk everyday to class, and made some of the same friends I am currently making.

To those I haven't yet mentioned, do not feel left out. I think of you all as well. I think of how you walked the same walkways between classroom buildings. I think of how you used the same computer room and same student lounge in the CIE building. I think of you when I pass the many restaurants and shops that line the streets of Hirakata-shi.

The Japan Experience continues to unfold before me. There is no possible way I can forget anyone while I continue on this journey. You're all fundamental in my growth here. You've laid the foundation for what I am now experiencing and learning. You've all enhanced my stay here.
I miss you all greatly, but I will return soon with so much to share.

[Be Courageous:

Courage uncovers strength,

grace reveals beauty,

time strips away the frivolous,

life layers on experience,

and you have become


-No Limits But the Sky

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Touchdown in 日本国

I arrived at Kansai International Airport aboard Northwest Airlines flight 69 around 5:15pm local time this evening. To put that into perspective, it was only 3:15am in Albany. I find it hard to believe that I lost part of one day of my life after traveling for such a long time.

The fourteen hour flight from Detroit Metropolitan Airport was a very new experience for me. I once flew for nine hours at one time, so I believed fourteen hours would not be hard to handle. As the 747 glided down to the runway threshold, I found myself thinking that I am glad I won't have to repeat such a long flight for a few months.

I have not yet seen much of 日本. By the time the shuttle pulled away from the terminal, the sky was already dark. I will get out and explore tomorrow.

I find it hard to believe that I am already here. Eight months ago, the thought of coming to 日本 was exactly that--just a thought. I have met so many people already, and some very nice people at that. Many of the Japanese students and staff here know people from back home in Albany. I was excited to finally be able to meet them, as a few people had told me about them already. What an experience this will be! I ask all of you to follow me closely as I assimilate into the Japanese culture for four months. I will not disappoint! There is so much here to offer.

My spirit takes flight -
I am fearless and free
to express,
to explore,
to begin...
to be me.]

-No Limits But the Sky

I miss you all greatly, but I know that I will meet wonderful people here as well, and I know I will see you all in a short four months! You won't be forgotten.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hours, Minutes, and Seconds

Not long from now, I will be jumping into my car and heading off to Albany International Airport. From there I will fly through Detroit with a final destination at Kansai International Airport near Osaka.

In the hours, minutes, and seconds until my departure, my mind is racing with one thousand thoughts per minute. It seems unlikely that I will get much sleep before boarding Northwest Airlines flight 1519 shortly before 6am.

In less than 27 hours, I will be touching down on Japanese soil.


What a thought that is... journey is taking on a physical form.

[Keep Dreaming:
Even as we dream,
we begin to succeed...
even as we succeed,
we begin to dream again.]

-No Limits But the Sky

Good night and good luck. I will see you soon again.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

One Week Away

Tomorrow marks one week until my departure to the Land of the Rising Sun. I have gotten beyond the great feeling of sadness at the thought of not seeing so many people for a while. It comes and goes, but it is not as pronounced as previous days. Tonight, I feel great excitement at the thought of the coming four months.

Today, one of my blogging buddies, Carolyn Frantz, left for London, England, on a journey that will last her until the beginning of June...well, I imagine quite a bit longer than that. Reading her latest blog entry gave me such hope for my journey. Understand that my journey began months ago; in fact, about eight months ago, in April 2008. Actually, I can trace my journey all the way back to the very moment that the first thought of studying in 日本 ran across my mind—around the time I met Emma Nagasawa, about one year ago. I'm sure it can be traced even further back to another journey that stemmed from another journey that stemmed from another.

In one week, this journey will all be a reality. How exciting! What an experience I have ahead of me.

Good luck in England, Carolyn!

[Believe in Yourself:
Look your chances in the eye—
it's "you" you have to satisfy!
You can never dream too big
or set your sights too high!

If they say you can't,
if they say you're not strong enough,
if they say no one has ever done it before,
you always say...
Just watch!]

-No Limits But the Sky

Here is to everyone who has doubted me. Here is to everyone who has supported me.

Take a look:

I'm really doing this!

I'm really doing this.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


I had a hefty "To Do" list for my remaining twelve days in Albany, but already, I've found myself experiencing long periods of nothing. How can it be that with only twelve days until my departure to 日本, there are so many moments where I have nothing to do? In many cases, those moments have been dangerous for me. They have allowed me to sit and stew in thought. In some cases, those moments have been great for me. I have been able to imagine my journeys to 日本 in such explicit detail.

Regardless, there are many people that I will sincerely miss while I am away. My heart has already begun to ache and I haven't yet left Albany. This is the element of danger in my thoughts.

I have promised myself and my friends that I'll enjoy my experiences over the next four months, and that I shall make the most of my journey. That promise will not be broken.

And you, too, cannot break your promises to me.

[I wish, I wish that I could know
the places I have yet to go,
the ways I'll change, the things I'll do,
the special dreams I'll make come true.
I wish, I wish that I could see
the life that lies ahead of me.]

-No Limits But the Sky

My darling, stay gold.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

[Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions]

So let's dream today in hopes of answering the questions of tomorrow...

[The questions of 2009]


It's going to be a great year.