I learned from my mother that, in order to develop and maintain a strong relationship, it is important to respect someone for his or her individuality and unique character traits. At first, I didn't understand what she implied by this advice. The first few romantic relationships I had were filled with desires to achieve the unachievable and become a reflection of what someone else was looking for. After many failed attempts to fit an unsuitable mold, I started to understand the implications of my mother's words.
When I met him, I was caught off guard by his big heart and beautiful emotional core. He was stunningly handsome. I quickly came to admire him for his strength, confidence, and beauty. I knew that I had found a rare gem, and that my life was quickly taking a great turn.
It was natural for us to develop a significant emotional bond. We felt a mutual, natural emotional connection. I quickly and naturally fell in love, and let it be know to him. He returned that love to me.
Yesterday, he left Bangkok for London, England. Today, he arrived safe and sound. Hours after his arrival, I heard from him, and felt a great deal of relief. It's a new beginning for the two of us, and we're both very excited to embark on this adventure together. We've discussed many aspects of our relationship, and we're both on the same page when it comes to what we're hoping to achieve together.
We are aware that we'll have to remain physically distant much of the time for a couple of years. What is a couple of years in the grand scheme of life? In this case, I will be 24 going on 25, instead of 22. He will be 27, instead of 24 going on 25. Think about this - the average male adult in the U.S. lives to be in his 70s. In Thailand, an average adult male lives until his mid 60s. If that is the case, we are comparing about two years to between 40 and 50 years. In 40 years, I will be 62. He will be 64. In 50 years, I will be 72, and he'll be 74. In the grand scheme of life, a couple of years is but a drop in the bucket, and for a man who possesses such confidence, strength, maturity, and beauty, two years is an easy wait.
Life throws curve balls when you least expect them. C'est la vie. Our plans might undergo some revisions, but one thing will not falter - my love for him. I've found a wonderful, beautiful human being, and am forever grateful. I am never alone, nor is he. We're in this together, and will move forward as both individuals and a unit. My strength, confidence, and love for him will hold firm.
Good night and good luck, as you begin your new adventure in London! I will always be with you.