Saturday, January 24, 2009

Touchdown in 日本国

I arrived at Kansai International Airport aboard Northwest Airlines flight 69 around 5:15pm local time this evening. To put that into perspective, it was only 3:15am in Albany. I find it hard to believe that I lost part of one day of my life after traveling for such a long time.

The fourteen hour flight from Detroit Metropolitan Airport was a very new experience for me. I once flew for nine hours at one time, so I believed fourteen hours would not be hard to handle. As the 747 glided down to the runway threshold, I found myself thinking that I am glad I won't have to repeat such a long flight for a few months.

I have not yet seen much of 日本. By the time the shuttle pulled away from the terminal, the sky was already dark. I will get out and explore tomorrow.

I find it hard to believe that I am already here. Eight months ago, the thought of coming to 日本 was exactly that--just a thought. I have met so many people already, and some very nice people at that. Many of the Japanese students and staff here know people from back home in Albany. I was excited to finally be able to meet them, as a few people had told me about them already. What an experience this will be! I ask all of you to follow me closely as I assimilate into the Japanese culture for four months. I will not disappoint! There is so much here to offer.

My spirit takes flight -
I am fearless and free
to express,
to explore,
to begin...
to be me.]

-No Limits But the Sky

I miss you all greatly, but I know that I will meet wonderful people here as well, and I know I will see you all in a short four months! You won't be forgotten.