Saturday, February 14, 2009

On Happiness

[Joy in the Journey:
There was a time I seemed to sail
upon a vast, blue sea,
scanning the horizon
for some distant, golden shore,
imagining that happiness
lay just ahead of me
in some wondrous, perfect place
I'd never seen before....
But as the days and years passed by,
I came to comprehend
that joy is in the journeying,
not at the journey's end.]

-No Limits But the Sky

The journey may be harsh at times
but rewarding through and through
Surrender may seem imminent
but remember when you choose
To back down oh so easily
you're cheating your own life

So stand up tall
toughen up
Raise the bar
but take the falls
Learn to love
and love to learn
For what it's worth
you'll have to earn
Your happiness in life

We'll rise together
We'll fall together
We'll laugh together
We'll cry together
We'll learn together
We'll love together

And together
we'll earn happiness
in life.