In recent months, I have questioned the paths in which I have taken and have viewed the future with a skeptical (albeit optimistic) eye. The sun has set on certain past goals of mine, and as one chapter ends, so a new chapter begins.
Please take a moment to view the photo above. This spectacular sunset was captured by my camera as it lit up the sky over the Puget Sound adjacent to downtown Seattle, Washington. We can leave it to nature to remind us that, by the memories of so many witnesses, a day gone by will not be forgotten. This goes for those moments of transition in life - the moments that afford us the opportunity to take a leap of faith and take a path less-traveled. If we ponder this notion for a moment, we'll realize that to reach this less-traveled path, we most likely had to travel a well-beaten path to get there.
I recall my days as an undergraduate to be structured by both well-beaten and less-traveled paths. The truth is, every time I stumbled upon a well-beaten path, I quickly returned to a less-traveled path. I always felt more comfortable doing things that nobody else dared to attempt. I wasn't trying to prove myself to anyone, but rather inspire others to take a less-traveled path and dare to attempt what they had believed they could only dream.
In these next few months, I will be making some significant decisions regarding my future. I ask you kindly to please follow me as I ponder the paths that stretch before me, and I ask you for your input on the decisions in which I will be making. I have already considered each path from multiple view points, but I hesitate at this moment to divulge any details regarding these paths, and the implications in which each holds for my future.
The great news is that this is a new adventure. I do not feel helpless; instead, I feel that this is a great opportunity to open many new doors. As the sun sets on one day, so the sun begins to rise on another. Life continues on, and I will embrace this notion.
I will continue ever upward, on a quest for daily inspiration.