Sunday, January 11, 2009


I had a hefty "To Do" list for my remaining twelve days in Albany, but already, I've found myself experiencing long periods of nothing. How can it be that with only twelve days until my departure to 日本, there are so many moments where I have nothing to do? In many cases, those moments have been dangerous for me. They have allowed me to sit and stew in thought. In some cases, those moments have been great for me. I have been able to imagine my journeys to 日本 in such explicit detail.

Regardless, there are many people that I will sincerely miss while I am away. My heart has already begun to ache and I haven't yet left Albany. This is the element of danger in my thoughts.

I have promised myself and my friends that I'll enjoy my experiences over the next four months, and that I shall make the most of my journey. That promise will not be broken.

And you, too, cannot break your promises to me.

[I wish, I wish that I could know
the places I have yet to go,
the ways I'll change, the things I'll do,
the special dreams I'll make come true.
I wish, I wish that I could see
the life that lies ahead of me.]

-No Limits But the Sky

My darling, stay gold.